Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Put Some Flowers in Your Helmet

Designer Keith Brooks arranges flowers for the 2014 Crosby
Arts Festival preview party. (Photo courtesy Facebook)
Some characters have really good stories to tell.

When that character is a master designer and has been in the Toledo area for decades, those stories are going to be great.

Spend an evening with Keith Brooks as part of the Toledo Opera Guild's Brunhilde Parties Fundraising Series and hear some of these colorful tales firsthand.

Guests will gather in two locations Tuesday, April 14: first, at 5:30 p.m., dinner at Memphis Pearl restaurant, 5147 Main St., Sylvania; then at Hafner Florist next door, 5139 Main St., where Brooks will demonstrate flower arranging.

One lucky guest will get to keep the stunning creation he will make, but all will leave with a little gift from Hafner Florist.

Cost for the entire evening is $35 per person. Dinner is included; a cash bar will be available at the restaurant.

Proceeds will directly benefit the opera guild, thanks to event organizer and underwriter Laura Draheim.

To RSVP, contact Draheim at 419-475-1720 or ldraheim3434@att.net.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Guild Party Paints Masterpieces

Brittany McMahon Craig paints swirls of pink and orange.

As part of the Brunhilde Party Fundraising Series, Cindy Niggemyer recently hosted guild members and other guests at CBK Studio for a painting workshop and gourmet luncheon.

Canvas masterpieces were created while attendees sipped wine and listened to the music of Bolero on March 11 at the studio at 2620 Centennial Road in Toledo.

For more photos, check out the album on our Facebook page.

The event was sold out and raised $280 to support the Toledo Opera Guild and its mission to raise awareness of and financial support for opera in Toledo and northwest Ohio.

Upcoming Brunhilde events that are open to the public include: an evening with Keith Brooks at Memphis Pearl restaurant and Hafner Florist, hosted by Laura Draheim; and opera-inspired yoga and lunch at the home of Wafaa Hanna, hosted by Shirley Joseph and Barbara Brown.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Phashion of the Opera Will Be Phantastic

We've switched our clocks an hour ahead, the sun is bravely trying to melt the snow, and the official first day of spring is just around the corner. Our toes are desperate to be free of our boots and our arms would like to feel something besides wool -- soon, please!

It's the perfect time to be preparing for Phashion of the Opera, the Toledo Opera Guild's spring fashion show. This is the premier runway event in northwest Ohio, and it is guaranteed to satisfy your yearning for fresh fashion.

Event chairmen Joyce Stenberg and Pam Bettinger, along with a super committee of guild members, are presenting two opportunities to enjoy this signature event.

The show is slated for April 29 at the Toledo Club, with fellowship and vendor shopping beginning at 9:30 a.m., runway at 11 a.m., and lunch in the club's Main Dining Room immediately following. A "Peek Behind the Curtain" dress rehearsal and hors d'oeurvres reception will be held the prior evening, at 5:30 p.m. April 28 at the Toledo Club.

Tickets for the Phashion of the Opera runway show are $50 for general admission and $75 for diva level with front-row seating. Tickets for the Peek Behind the Curtain event are $50. Proceeds directly benefit the Toledo Opera. Order online at http://brownpapertickets.com/event/1343495.

Exciting elements for this year's Phashion of the Opera include celebrity models joining the professional models of Studio K Coaching, and guests will have the chance at buying and popping balloons to win gift items such as dining certificates, jewelry, and other complimentary offerings from local businesses and opera supporters.

To learn more about celebrity modeling, for a $500 donation to the guild, email the event committee at toledooperaguild@gmail.com.

Guild members who would like to help prepare mailings for the event are encouraged to contact Joyce. Envelope stuffing will take place at 10 a.m. March 18 at Charlies Taverna Greek restaurant, off of Dussell Drive in Maumee.

Mark your calendars now for these amazing events. It's going to be just Phabulous!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Toledo Opera Thanks Guild for 'Susannah' Sponsorship

Cindy Niggemyer, president of the Toledo Opera Guild, shared a letter from Toledo Opera executive director Suzanne Rorick at Wednesday's board meeting:

Dear Cindy,

Thank you for your gift of $20,000.00 in sponsorship* of Susannah to Toledo Opera. We are extremely appreciative that you recognize the importance of live opera in the cultural life of the region and in your own life, and that you demonstrate this through your support.

The funds you have provided will help us continue the 57-year tradition of opera performance of the highest quality. Thank you for caring and believing in the work we are doing.

Very sincerely yours,

Suzanne G. Rorick, CFRE
Executive Director

* A small portion of the gift will be used to support Opera On Wheels.