Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Guild President Looks Forward to Upcoming Year

A message from Cindy Niggemyer, president of the Toledo Opera Guild:

Welcome to Toledo Opera Guild’s 2014-2015 year. Last year the Guild donated $42,000 to Toledo Opera. This amount is due to our members' very hard work, because we receive minimum underwriting. Along with money, Guild members donate something very precious: their time. Our mission is: to promote opera awareness, education, company service and financial support for the Toledo Opera.

The coming year is going to be an exciting one! For the first time EVER, all our major events will be under one theme, Diamonds and Denim. Our major events will have some new and dynamic twists. So, now is the time to get those diamonds out of the drawer and dust them off. Real or fake, you have the opportunity to find a unique and creative look for our first event in November. You may mix the outlandish with denim or create an "over the top" formal look. The Guild is noted for original events, so come and join the fun.

I am pleased to announce that our fall event, Diamonds and Denim, on Saturday, Nov. 8 at the Toledo Club, will be co-chaired by Bonnie Milano and Rebecca Conklin Kleiboemer. They have already begun planning, and will be pleased to have more Guild members join them on the committee.

In December we will have our popular Holiday Tea arranged by Chairman Sue Rosenberg. Date and place will be announced.

On Jan. 26, Barbara Bettinger and Mary Beaber are planning another great Diamonds and Denim Celebrity Wait night at Forrester’s Wine Bar and Party Room. They are being assisted by Linda McBee, Traci Schwann and Carol Sizemore. It’s a great night, so get a table together and join the party.

Our Phashion of the Opera fashion show has become a premier show for the Toledo area, and it too will carry the Diamonds and Denim theme this year. Pam Bettinger and Joyce Stenberg are planning even more excitement with an added evening reception. They will be needing help, so please contact them for more information.

Third Vice President Barbara Baker is busy planning our four lunches for the year. The opening one will be at Inverness Club on Wednesday, Oct. 1. For the year’s schedule, please refer to the list on our website.

Everyone on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors work hard to support Toledo Opera. Please refer to the listing of names on our website.

I encourage everyone to contact me with any suggestions for Guild improvement. It is great to have all our membership give input. This is your organization and your thoughts are appreciated and given consideration. You can contact me at If you are not yet a member, you can download a form on our website. We love new members, so please let us know what you would like to participate in.